About Celtic Medicine Horse

At Celtic Medicine Horse we offer unique services by combining vibrational energy work with the natural inner peace of horses and nature. Julie and her herd are here to provide a peaceful, safe and sacred space where one can quietly return to nature and our natural state to heal and recharge the body, mind and spirit- connecting back to who we are and why we are here. 

Whether your comfort level is in a room to seek deep, vibrational energetic healing or in the barn paired with an equine partner-  we will guide and help teach those tools so you can tap  into your innate wisdom, inner balance and empowered state of being. By unlocking and deepening your intuition and intuitive tools as you move through this life, challenging situations wash like waves over you and you are able to stay quietly in the eye of the storm seeing solutions with clarity rather than being swept up in the torrent. 

You can learn to use emotions as the informational messages our bodies use to speak with us and guide us so we are not swept away  floundering, in their waves. As energetic beings, utilizing vibrational sound, flower essences and oils, and clearing energetic blocks as well as joining with our animal partners can assist one as you explore your inner strength and find new solutions to old problems. This type of work  can assist in breaking out of old patterns, behaviors, and social conditioning that keep us trapped and caged in our own minds and lives. 

And some days, one just needs the warm, sweet smelling velvet muzzle to caress to bring us back to life and feeling with a gentle smile while taking a big deep breath as the breeze breathes new life back into our soul regenerating us to be able to walk this road we call life. 

Whether  you are seeking personal development, finding your way through life’s struggles, seeking your life purpose, wanting to improve interpersonal relationships, communicate more effectively, or energetically recharge, we are here to help guide you back to unlock your innate “knowingness”. Once you have your tools in place, you will always be able to smile back at life and shine your light into all areas of your life connected as one- body, mind and spirit.

About Julie

My name is Julie Jurgens and I am the owner and certified equine facilitated learning instructor at Celtic Medicine Horse.  I retired after 34 + years as a certified special educator and case manager for special education and earned my Master’s Degree in Educational Administration. Although my years in the field of education were very fulfilling, I always felt as if I had not found my true passion. Something was missing in my life- a void- as if I was missing some specific message or something more, but I never took the time to truly listen; being caught up in life and the “ cage” I had unknowingly created for myself.

Since I was a little girl, I had a deep understanding that my purpose was to work with horses and humans; however, I listened  and bought into the limiting beliefs of others instead of my own inner voice. It was not until  many, many years into my life that that vision took form and I found my life path.After over 24+ plus years in the field of education as a special education teacher specializing in children with emotional struggles then case managing with families and educators to implement programs for children with special needs, in addition to having spent 8 years volunteering with a  hippotherapy program in the area, skimming my calling each time, did I finally start my journey to my true purpose in life.

I understood at the age of fifty that many of us may take a lifetime to finally understand why we are here and what our true calling is while others may have tapped into that innate “knowingness” as a very young child. In my experience, I allowed patterned, conditioned thinking and behaviors to stall myself out each time I had a glimpse or message of which path to take in life. My authentic ,soul self continually sent me messages, yet I was unable to gain the confidence to “free fall “ with life and my divine soul purpose.

My purpose and vision for Celtic Medicine Horse is to offer individually designed services to clients, of any age, by providing experiences and activities to aid with breaking old patterns and conditioned thinking to assist one in discovering one’s  life purpose. By learning to navigate life and access one’s innate, intuitive tools, we come into this life fully equipped with our internal compass to guide us on this life journey. If one has become caught up in life’s drudgery and routines or experienced life-altering twists on this journey pulling one off course, Celtic Medicine Horse would like to offer a safe, quiet haven to help your body, mind and spirit reconnect to help you find your way forward using your own internal compass.

Learning that sometimes being thrown into an uncomfortable major life change provides the perfect catalyst to awaken one- thus ,my own journey began. Embracing the uncomfortableness and fears that I kept tucked so deep inside was the way through my own personal healing, clearing out old patterns of thoughts and conditioning that no longer served my soul growth. Through this healing soul-searching experience, meeting many guides along the way and always guided by my horses and their messages, my life purpose journey culminated into a year long apprenticeship with Eponaquest Worldwide where I learned how to articulate, learn and understand the tools needed for my calling as an Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) Instructor; teaching and supporting others on their own journey of discovery and self-awareness while clearing out old patterns of thoughts and behaviors and conditioning while tackling life’s struggles with confidence and an open heart. 

Along my journey, I became a certified Reiki practitioner and certified Access Bars Conscious practitioner as well as expanding into the vibrational sound healing modality of tuning forks and flower essences and essential oils. All powerful healing modalities  provide gentle support through one’s life journey awakening.

Celtic Medicine Horse was born from the awakening of my soul purpose. Having experienced the healing supportive power of horses and the other healing techniques I experienced and learned along my journey with my own Herd, I provide an eclectic range of services to offer clients a deep and meaningful experience with many modalities to choose. You will choose the healing modality and services that feel appropriate for your own needs and situation. These services can be provided in my office or combined with the experience of the horses in their natural environment. Come and discover your bright, authentic self and shine that lighted beacon out in this world.

In the words of Maxx Erhmann from the Desiderata:

You are a child of the universe,

no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,

whatever you conceive Him to be,

and whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

Meet The Herd


Shaman is the wise gentle elder of the Celtic Medicine Horse herd. His sheer size makes him our “gentle giant”, yet you can suddenly feel his loving presence and breath in an instant when he appears out of nowhere.  We affectionately refer to him as our “Stealthy Ninja”. Looking deep into his eyes, you will quickly understand why he is a master avatar in his ability to share his sensitive, gentle heart and soul while providing the safe, sacred space for hearts and minds to heal. His powerful spirit radiates peace and tranquility- allowing one to easily drop into a state of relaxation and release worries and stress to be able to hear their deepest heart’s messages. His guidance is sweet and gentle even for the most intense emotional releases or fears. Gentle nudges, hugs and his insatiable “sweet tooth” make him one of the most endearing members of our beautiful herd.


Smokey is the youngest guardian of the herd at Celtic Medicine Horse. Although he is the youngest, as stunning a black horse as he is he also carries the deep wisdom of the Black Horse. As a sentinel and protector he emanates courage and a deep sense of safety for all those around him. Although his initial demeanor can lead one to feel his intense personality,  his safe, calming presence helps create a protective space for therapeutic exploration, allowing guests to relax and experience true healing from within. Smokey reminds one to trust one’s intuition, live in the present moment and express our deepest truths with confidence and clarity. He is a beautiful reminder that courage, wisdom and peace are accessible within us all – no matter what age or experiences we may have endured. His gentle muzzle and deep, warm  breath fills one’s soul with peace and courage to face ourselves and situations head on. His massive loving heart and “head-chest” hugs have started him his own fan club!


T.J. is our eldest, yet most recent member of our herd at Celtic Medicine Horse.  His age is quite deceiving, as this big bay horse has an enormous heart of a child and boundless energy. T.J. loves to spend his days playing with the other horses and exploring the world around him. Despite his sometimes instigating mischievous nature, he carries a strong sense of responsibility for those in his herd- even his human herd. As he is our second sentinel of the herd he provides an ever watchful eye. He is intuitive and sensitive to the feelings of others, often offering gentle kindness and loving support with a nudge or sweet kiss from his velvet muzzle when someone needs reassurance or strength to hear a heart’s message. Through his playful spirit and pure essence, T.J. invites one to reconnect with one’s inner child and remember the joys of being alive. He reminds us to take life a little less seriously and open our hearts to follow our dreams! If one needs an extra loving touch, TJ is quick to offer many kisses making him the “king of sweetness”!

It can be tough to know which steps to take to improve our lives. Come meet the herd and let Celtic Medicine Horse help!