
What makes Celtic Medicine Horse services and experiences unique?

Celtic Medicine Horse Services offers a variety of unique experiences to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These services include vibrational energy work, using tuning forks and specific vibrational hertz to help remove energetic blocks from the body; Soul/Angel/Horse Cards that allow for insights into your life and divine guidance; Bach Flower Essences Sessions that use herbal extractions containing the vibrations of flowers; Reiki Sessions with either in person or remote assistance; Essential Oils & Meanings Sessions designed to access emotions and their root cause; Access Conscious Bars Session which can reduce stress, anxiety, depression and more; Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) Activity Session offering improved intuition as well as interpersonal relationships through partnering with horses. In addition, we offer Reiki Sessions with Horse Assistance where horses serve as natural practitioners of Reiki providing therapeutic aid through nuzzles, warm breath or laying their heads on clients. All these services make the experience at Celtic Medicine Horse Services truly unique.

Vibrational Energy Work:

Tuning Forks

We use tuning Forks for Emotional and Physical Health, Balancing Chakras, Balancing Body Mind Spirit Energies, Clearing Energetic Blocks in a person or object- The sonic vibrational sound of tuning forks and specific vibrational hertz of each tuning fork and set have a multitude of benefits on the body, mind and spirit. Vibrational sound is a gentle, yet powerful modality to help provide inner balance and health. They can encourage the body’s natural flow of energy by removing blocks allowing the body, mind and spirit to heal  naturally. By removing these blocks, the vibrations can alleviate tension and pain in the body,  alleviate symptoms and encourage deep healing in all systems of the body- emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Soul/Angel/Horse Cards 

Using our intuition to pull cards and reviewing their meaning can provide deep insights into our life and aspects of ourselves providing divine guidance from our soul self that is divinely one with our Creator. (A picture of the card and message can be texted or email to you).

Clearing of negative energies- (in person or remotely)

Using clearing techniques, negative energies that may have attached to persons, objects, homes and properties can be removed. 

Bach Flower Essences Sessions

Bach Flower Essences are a form of herbal medicine utilized in flower therapy. Flower essences contain the vibrational energy of the flowers which can improve negative thoughts and emotions and provide information on our emotional and mental status. They help with moving us through emotional and energetic blocks. (The meaning and affirmations associated with the Bach Flowers chosen can be sent to you by text or email).

Reiki Session (in person or remotely)

Reiki is a form of energetic work that aids in resolving emotional distress by allowing the vital life force energy to flow freely throughout the body’s energy systems(known as the chakras) by clearing energetic blocks. This flow can result in relaxation and reduce pain (emotional and physical) as well as reduced tension throughout the body. Deep, natural healing can be supported in all body systems. 

Essential Oils & Meanings Sessions

Essential oils are concentrated extractions from plants. They have a wide variety of benefits including, but not limited to, lifting mood or alleviating symptoms of various conditions. The plants carry vibrations and allow the ability to address emotions and the root cause of emotions. They provide a gentle support system for easing emotional, mental, and physical stressors. (A picture of the oils chosen and their meanings can be text or emailed to you).

Access Conscious Bars Sessions

A non-invasive energy healing modality that uses 32 points on the head that when lightly touched can stimulate positive change in the brain to “download” and release physical and mental blocks stored in the body. Benefits of this healing modality include mental clarity, calmness, reduced stress, improved sleep, inner peace, reduced anxiety, frustration, worry, depressed feelings and sadness. During these sessions, Julie may receive messages or visuals. If desired, she will utilize an AI program to generate a close rendition of the visuals and send to you via email or text.

Personal Sound Bath Meditation

This session utilizes crystal singing bowls as well as brass Tibetan bowls and other vibrational sounds personalized to each client’s needs. A sound bath meditation is relaxing as well as invigorating and allows one the ability to drift into a state of “be-ingness” where the body, mind and spirit can merge as one. It aids in balancing and harmonizing the energy systems of the body while relaxing the mind and opening the heart. By bringing you back to your original state of presence at zero or back to divine before you were born, one can feel renewed and reset. Group sessions are also available.

Horse Services Offered:

Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) Activity Sessions

These sessions involve partnering with our equine partners who are master avatars of mindfulness and staying present in this world through all its ups and downs. Horses by virtue of their beings are natural teachers of social-emotional intelligence. Experiencing the presence of a horse with your feet on the ground engaging directly with the horse with personalized activities to aid with individual areas a client may want to explore in their lives, deep and gentle awareness and healing can occur. These areas may be in self-development, communication skills, intuitive abilities, relationship building, unidentified mental or emotional blocks, trauma or self-discovery. 

By learning the “Ways of the Horse”, we can learn to access those intuitive tools we hold deep within ourselves to adapt to any challenges or changes life may ask of us to face each day or during transitions in our lives. As nonverbal, sentient beings, horses become our non judgmental partners offering us a safe space and unique opportunity to explore deeply into our own hearts and minds while teaching us a plethora about body language, emotions, and how to slow our mind to hear our own inner voice and messages of the heart. 

Horses read our intention and through the biofeedback of the horse and the reaction of the client, they are able to teach us a great deal about ourselves and interactions with others. They provide a “mirror” of ourselves  as they react to our energetic self and internal  and external body signals. Horses ask us to acknowledge our emotions and then they can help lead us on a healing journey by providing a safe place to explore that which we may or may never have known existed.  

Benefits of an EFL session can include a calm sense of peace and warmth emotionally, mentally and physically, lowered blood pressure and increased oxytocin levels, increased HRV (Heart Rate Variability), reduced stress and anxiety, deeper self-awareness, improved communication skills, enhanced intuition, improved interpersonal relationships, release of blocked emotions or energy, new insights when dealing with life, reduced pain levels, and improved sleep and clarity in learning.

Reiki Sessions With Horse Assistance

These sessions are unique in that I partner with my horses when providing a Reiki session within their natural setting. Horses are natural Reiki practitioners and provide healing support to the client during a Reiki session on the table. From a soft nuzzle to the feel of their warm breath to laying a head on the client or standing close to the client; they offer support and  flow of the vital life force energy through their being in their sheer presence. They sense the areas in need of support and offer it in a variety of ways.