
I came to Julie and her horses on a very cold December day with zero expectations and really had no idea what would/could happen. I simply love horses, always have. What I did know is that I had something going on spiritually that I couldn’t put into words and needed to let go of but didn’t know how. Childhood trauma, self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others, sadness, anger, hurt, just to give them some names.. So when I got there, Julie allowed the horse to pick me, pick my essential oils needed and began a full body scan on me. I’d never done this so I was a little nervous. The scan made me fully aware of my entire body, and helped to focus my intentions for the session. Once this was completed, the horse and I started just touching. Julie asked if I’d mind a blindfold and said it would help me to focus on what I needed. He kept letting me know I was safe and he was protecting me…after a while of just getting acquainted, I had the urge to groom, so I brushed him and petted him, all the while thinking of the things I wanted to let go. Specifically the things I could never talk about out loud. I became incredibly dizzy, and anxious suddenly and told Julie I felt like I needed to vomit..as I took off the blindfold, opened my eyes, I had this powerful feeling of something swirling out of my body, through my head, like a tornado above me and I vomited… when I opened my eyes, everything was clearer, brighter, like a veil had been
lifted. I knew immediately that I had released; without knowing exactly what that meant. I know that the horse had helped me release what I needed that day. I’ve never felt anything like it. A true spiritual experience.

Julie guided me with respect, acknowledging my pain and confusion – allowing me to trust the process. The horses understood. I was amazed at how they reacted to me. One in particular singled me out and I was drawn to him. I did blindfolded grooming, and was guided by touch. As my hands moved across this strong and majestic animal I wept from deep inside. Vulnerable, but protected by the horse himself I released buried hurts and allowed issues that no longer wanted to hide to surface. Whether you are deeply troubled, or simply looking for a way to get in touch with yourself in a new way; try the therapy Julie offers. Do not worry if you feel intimidated by horses, you will soon learn that they are wise and gentle helpers. My only advice is to go with an open heart and mind. You will not regret the experience.

I’m most pleased to share my experience of working with horses/ equine therapy at Celtic Medicine owned by Julie Jurgens. 

I’m a therapist in private practice and two winters ago, I reached out to Julie as ordinary counseling and medications were not helping me. In the winters, especially, I tend to isolate and not do what is one of the best thing to do when you have the blues-socialize!

Julie suggested I come out to her stables and have her wonderful horses try to work their magic on me. It worked…and beyond! I have had several wrecks (none my fault!) and I was in such pain most nights I could not sleep.

To admit, I was skeptical about the whole process, however, Julie is such a healing person herself, I gave it a try.

Result=I started calling friends to meet up, avoided sleeping most of the day and accepted invitations. I was thrilled as we’re my friends! However, the other big shock-Within 3 days I was sleeping like a rock with no back pain!!

Please give these magical horses and Julie’s guidance a try. You will not be disappointed!
Nancy Naughton,
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC).

I just wanted to take a second and express my gratitude to you, Julie Jurgens and your 3 powerful horses. When I came to the stable I knew I had nothing to lose in trying this. I just had to trust, I was out of options, or at least it felt that way at the time. I have lived with anxiety and panic attacks and depression most of my life. I felt very relaxed and comfortable. I loved every part of this experience from picking the essential oils and finding the emotional meaning behind the oil, to pulling a soul card and finding the meaning. Everything hit so close to home. While it was hard facing my shadow side, Apple was so gentle and kind. For me I felt a deep connection with her due to her being blind. I have trust issues myself and live with chronic pain and to know that she was blind and an old wise horse and how much she has to trust others. It really opened my heart. Little did I know how much this experience had changed my life. My mindset is different, things that used to bother me don’t. I honestly am having issues putting these emotions into words. All I can say is everyone should try this at least once. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

A little background first. My daughter was born 3 months premature and spent her first 3 months in the NICu. When she was finally home she automatically had a feeding specialist due to having ag-tube. Due to some complications with healing she had to refrain from tummy time for 7 weeks. This caused a severe delay in her core strength. She qualified for Early Intervention services shortly after being discharged. After 6 months of therapy she was still struggling with simply rolling over. Although her EI therapist is absolutely WONDERFUL and she was also receiving therapy from myself, I felt something else had to be done. After talking with Julie I decided to take her out and see if her horses would be able to help. Both horses responded positively to Megan, but Shaman seemed to be completely and utterly in tune with her. After introducing them to each other we put Megan om Shaman bareback. We started off with my daughter in the typical sitting position. She and Shaman were working great together. We then laid her on her belly across Shamans back. He would not walk and was buryíng his head into Julie (she was leading him as he walked) and nudging her. As he did this Megan rolled over towards her left side. We tried it again and Shaman and my daughter both responded the same way! It was very cool and interesting to witness. We went back into the sitting position and would randomly stop and try the “tummy time. Every time Shaman would not walk and would start his head movement, then Megan would roll over! After the session she needed to eat. 1fed her a bottle in the barn. While doing so both horses came over and were standing over us and breathing on us. One was “working” on my daughter as the other one was breathing on my head and neck. My horse even nibbled softly on the top of my head. Crazy enough I had been dealing with migraines and had one that day. Within 2 hours of leaving my migraine was gone (It was not responding to medication at all. I had it for 3 days). When we got home I put my daughter on the floor and she was consistently rolling over towards her left side! This was the most success she had made after all of her therapies. We have plans to work with Julie and her horses some more. To be honest, I was skeptical but willing to give it a try. I am now a true believer in the power of horses and their abilities to assist humans with their deficits! I can’t wait to see the success we will see in the future!!!

My equine experience with Julie was quite life changing. The guided meditation, aromatherapy, horse card reading prior to working with the horses, was very on target to what I was going through and what I needed at the time. When it was time to do the actual therapy with the horses, Julie made me feel totally at ease as she introduced me to them. As I did the equine facilitated session with the horses, it was an almost indescribable, magical experience. you can actually feel the horses work on your emotions as they come up to you and scan your body. First, one horse started to work with me, then the other came over and joined. I encourage anyone that needs to work on any emotional issues or abuse to utilize this therapy. I know she also works with kids as well and I feel this would benefit kids so much on abuse, low self-esteem and body issues.
I first heard about Julie through my dad. I was having trouble finding my purpose in life, which was making me hit a low point. My dad thought the help of Julie and her horses would be a good way to relieve my anxiety from stress at work and my self-esteem issues. From the beginning of the session to the end, the atmosphere was full of positive energy. The work she does with her horses is absolutely amazing! The connection I had with Smokey throughout my session was something I can’t even put into words. I learned how to focus and listen to my body. With the help of Julie and her horses, I was able to find my purpose.